Eager to see more wildlife Al recommanded us to drive to the Canadian Rockies and that was the best advice ever! Along the road to Jasper we saw our first black bear (quite far away) and could not believe our eyes. The next day just before entering the national park 2 coyotees crossed our way. This officialy was the beginning of our wildlife adventure!!
The Canadian Rockies are just breathtaking. They made it among our TOP3 highlights on our around the world trip. It is the combination of stunning scenery and the unbelievable wild wilderness. As we were there during the low season most of the lakes were still frozen and the mountains were covered with snow. In 2 days we saw 2 black, 1 brown and 1 grizzly bear. Besides that many elk, deer, mountain goats, squirrels and birds.
From the Canadian Rockies we drove south to the Yellowstone National Parks in the US. Spotting the wildlife there was very easy! Before entering Yellowstone we hoped to see one or two buffalo. Well, Yellowstone is full of bisons and they are liturally everywhere! We also did see 7 black bears and 2 grizzlies! A very special moment for us was watching a black bear mother with her 3 kubs. They were approx. 3 weeks old and very cute!! At one point a deer approached the bear mother and quickly she pushed the 3 little ones up a tree- just amazing!!! Besides animals Yellowstone offers greats waterfalls, canyons and geysers and is a great park to visit.
Below photograpah of the wildlife Emilie took and additional photographs under PORTFILIO I
- Grizzly, Yellowstone
- Grizzly, Canadian Rockies
- Grizzly, Canadian Rockies
- Brown bear, Canadian Rockies
- Black bear and her 3 kubs, Yellowstone
- Buffalos, Yellowstone
- Buffalo yellowstone
- Bighorn sheep, Canadian Rockies
- Elk, Yellowstone
- Coyote, Canadian Rockies
- Squirral, Canadian Rockies
- Woodpecker, Canadian Rockies
- Bighorn sheep, Canadian Rockies
- Bighorn sheep, Canadian Rockies
- Small Lens, Yellowstone
- Horseshoe Lake, Canadian Rockies
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